Frequently Asked Questions
This section is here to help you on your journey through our store. We hope it can answer almost all of your questions.
Shipping Questions
How long will it take for my product to be shipped?
If the order is for a custom built server or gaming build it will take 3-5 business days to carefully assemble and test your product. If the product is something like a keyboard or HDMI cable we will be able to ship it within 1-3 business days.
What carrier will ship my product when I select Standard or Free Shipping?
We currently use UPS ground for shipping items within Canada with our standard and free shipping options.
How do i know if my product is in stock or available?
Our website includes available quantities on the back end, so if you can add the product to your cart it is available. If the product is not available the price will have a line through it and you will not be able to check out.

Product Questions
Where is my custom computer built and assembled?
Our team of technicians professionally assemble your PC at Nedtek on grounded anti static mats while wearing anti static straps. We also load your operating system and update all relevant software on your system.
What does the warranty on my product cover?
If the system is custom built by Nedtek it will have a limited 3 year Nedtek warranty which covers parts and labour. If the system or part is not custom built by Nedtek then it will just have the limited manufacturer warranty. Liquid, wine damage or physical abuse is not covered unfortunately.
Can i get a fully customized server, PC or full network solution?
Yes you can! All you have to do is send us an email or give us a call and we will be more than happy to help you out!